連續純光纖激光焊接機技術參數( Fiber laser welding machine) 設備優勢: 速度是YAG激光焊接的4-10倍 10:1的焊接深寬比,焊點光滑美觀,焊縫強度韌性相當甚至超過母體材料 電光轉換率高,能耗低 設備穩定,可連續24小時工作 相對于YAG,定制成客戶要求的機型更容易 應用領域: 適合焊接金銀鈦鎳錫銅鋁等金屬及其合金材料,可實現同種金屬和異種金屬間的精密焊接,已廣泛應用于航空設備,船舶制造,儀器儀表,機電產品,汽車制造 Advantage of equipment: (1)High speed welding, 4-10 times higher efficiently than YAG laser welding (2)10: 1 about the proportion of welding width and welding deep, smooth welding spot and nice welding seam, stronger and more toughness than original metal material (3)High conversion between electrical power and laser, lower consumption, (4)Stable system, can work 24 hours continuous (5)Can be customized by client s requirement easily Application Field: Fit for golden, silver, titanium, nickel, tin, aluminum, stainless steel, copper which is widely used in Aerospace industry, Marine manufacture industry, Instrumentation manufactur industry, electromechanical equipment, vehicle manufacturing etc. 技術參數(Technical Parameters) 連續激光(Fiber Laser)
型號(Model) DF-C500 DF-C800 DF-C1000 DF-C1500 DF-C2000
激光波長(Laser wavelength) 10680m
激光功率(Laser Power) 500W 800W 1000W 1500W 2000W
最大單脈沖焊接深度(Max single pulse welding depth) 0.1-1.0mm 0.3-1.5mm 0.3-2.0mm 0.3-3.0mm 0.3-4.0mm
光纖芯徑(Fiber diameter) 500um - 100um
光纖標配長度(Fiber length) 10米或15米(optional 10m or 15m)
功率調節范圍(Power range) 10%-100%
紅光定位(Red light indicator) 有(yes)
觀察系統(Observing system) CCD視覺影像(CCD monitor system)
能量波動性(Energy range) ±2%
電力需求(Voltage) 220V±10%/單相三線(Single-phase three-wier)380V±10%/三相五線(Three-phase four-wier)
額定功率(Power Rower consumption) 2KW 3KW 4KW 6KW
冷卻方式(Cooling) 水冷(Water cooling)
工作臺行程(Working table travel) 200mm*200mm到1200mm*1200mm
主機外形尺寸(Control cabinet size) 950mm*800mm*1380mm 使用環境潔凈無塵,無震源,10-30度,濕度5%-85% |